Rosanna and the Wizard-Robot
(1981) Methuen
‘…a charming mixture of escapism, danger and fun.’ The Financial Times
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I’d already written seven adult novels when I tried writing for children. My children were the right age to guide me along the path of adventure. In fact they amused themselves painting illustrations for the book while I read aloud. Their pictures were never used (Kate Mellor’s are terrific) but the exercise gave me good feedback. Rosanna and the Wizard Robot is in the classic tradition of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ with a little girl falling to sleep on a swing and finding herself in the middle of adventures – some very frightening. The Wizard-Robot was based on my son Nat who was obsessed by everything technical (computers came along to make his life happy) and Rosanna on my daughter Rose. My three year old daughter, Chloe, became Zoe, a cherub (she was plump with golden curls at the time) and my soon to be born son, Caspar, made a guest appearance at the end.